My book series family tree: connections and connections and connections…
All my books can be read as standalone stories, but I LOVE connections (with people, places, things…) so if you pick up one of my books from the Something Borrowed, Healing Hearts or Bad News series, chances are high you’ll recognise someone or somewhere or something that has appeared in another of my books.
For instance, did you know that both Something Borrowed and Bad News series are set in Portobello, London and many of the cast of characters are intertwined somehow? Or that Someone Blue‘s hero Josh goes to join the rugby team ‘The Reds’ at the forefront of No One But You? That the Healing Hearts stories are all connected by place? Have a look below… (Still the One is part of Healing Hearts, not sure where the connecting line has gone…)
Something Borrowed series:
Something Borrowed
Something About You
Something Beginning With Mistletoe
Something Secret
Something Blue
Bad News series:
Bad News Billionaire (out August 2021)
Bad News and Baubles (Out November 2021)
Bad News Bachelor (Out August 2022)
Healing Hearts series:
No One But You
One More Time
Still The One